Support for Integrated Demolition of Terminated Line

Support for Integrated
Demoolition of Terminated Line

Support for Integrated Demolition of Terminated Lines are a major cause of urban aesthetic damage and the reestablishment of abandoned and dead lines, and we support the operation of terminated line records and management plans and integrated demolition projects to effectively cope with them together with our members to improve urban aesthetics and provide clear sky for the public.

Business Details

Operate and support the Terminated Line Consolidated Demolition Council

Supporting the integrated demolition contracting business for termination lines

Operation of integrated management system for terminated lines

Support for joint work on termination line demolition

On-site inspection of integrated removal of terminated lines

Related Laws and Regulations

Article 31 (Corrective Order for Violation of Technical Standards) of the Basic Act on Broadcasting and Communications Development

Article 24 (Installation and Removal of Local Access Facilities and Outdoor Lines) Paragraphs 5 and 6 of the Regulation on Technical Standards for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Facilities

Article 26 (Incorporation of national lines) Paragraph 4 of the Technical Standards for Grounding Facilities, Premises Communication Facilities, Line Facilities, and Telecommunication Commons

Support for Integrated Demolition of Terminated Line

Find information on filing a complaint and business operation rules related to the operation and management of support for integrated demolition of terminated line.

Customer Support Center 02-2015-9114