Organizational chart



Executive Vice Chairman

Director General

Audit Office

Key responsibilities

  • Perform routine audits and suggest system improvements
  • Address workplace grievances, including sexual harassment prevention
  • Inspection of safety management and supervision of implementation management
  • Phone: 02-2015-9201

Office of Management Planning

Key responsibilities

  • Planning tasks, such as board meetings, bylaws, human resources, and training
  • Accounting tasks, such as closing, income, and expenses
  • General affairs, such as building management, and safety
  • Phone: 02-2015-9035

Office of External Affairs

Key responsibilities

Office of Business Cooperation

Key responsibilities

Network Office

Key responsibilities

Computer Operations Office

Key responsibilities

  • Computer system operations management
  • Management of number porting complaint agents
  • Computer System Protection and Security Management
  • Phone: 02-2015-9121

Office of Industry Support


Key responsibilities

  • 유무선인프라 제도개선
  • 무선국 정비사업 지원
  • 초고속인터넷 보편적서비스 지원
  • 스마트초이스(통신요금포털) 운영
  • 전화번호 : 02-2015-9145