Pre-Selection and Registration of Long-Distance Calls

Pre-Selection and Registration
of Long-Distance Calls

Pre-selection and registration of long-distance call operator is a system that allows users to pre-select and register a long-distance call operator and use the pre-selected long-distance call operator without dialing a separate operator identification number (081, 082, 083, 084, 086).
※ Operator identification number: KT (081), LGU+ (082), Sejong Telecom (083), SK Broadband (084), SK Telink (086)

It is being implemented as a measure to promote competition and improve the convenience of users by creating fair competition environment following the introduction of competition in the long-distance call business.

Business Details

Change of long-distance call operators for existing subscribers

Receives application for change of long-distance call operator: application form + files - reviews application document requirements for application

Notifies data on the change of long-distance call operator to the local operator

Notifies processing results to the long-distance call operator and statistical management

Verification of selection of long-distance call operator by the new subscriber

Information of new subscriber from the local operator

When selecting long-distance call operator, the local operator should check if the customer's wishes are reflected and the obligation to notify the customer of the right to choose a long-distance call operator is fulfilled

Reassignment of long-distance call operator for long-distance call operator change requestors

Handling complaints about pre-selection of long-distance call operators

Statistical processing related to pre-selection of long-distance call operator

Grounds for Business

Article 57(Pre-Selection Systems) of the Telecommunications Business Act

Notification of the Ministry of Science and ICT No. 2017-7 (Matters Required for the Designation of Long-Distance Call Operator Pre-Selection Registration Centers)

Pre-selection and registration of long-distance call operator

Find information on filing a complaint and business operation rules related to pre-selection and registration of long-distance call operators.

Customer Support Center 1588-9613